GWP Chair at the General Assembly of the International Network of Basin Organizations

GWP Chair Dr. Letitia A Obeng participated in the General Assembly of the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) in Dakar, from 20 to 22 January 2010. The theme of the General Assembly was “the adaptation to consequences of climate change in basins: tools for action”. The assembly gathered together around 250 participants from all continents.

During the official opening of the assembly, Dr Obeng had the opportunity to present the activities of the GWP network, namely in relation with the theme of the general assembly.

The GWP chair was also the co-chair with M. Samuel Amete SARR, Ministry of Energy of SENEGAL, of the fourth topical round table about “Drafting of Basin Management and Action Plans of Basin Organizations and their financing”.

INBO website

GWP Chair statement in English

GWP Chair statement in French