Groundwater management put on the regional agenda in West Africa

Regional priorities in groundwater management in West Africa are knowledge; environmental, social and economic aspects; irrigation and climate change; dialogue and communication; management and institutional aspects; and capacity building/improving competence. 

These were the conclusions of participants at a workshop held in Ouagadougou in 2011, organized by GWP West Africa and documented in 2012 in three policy briefs and one technical brief. A regional dialogue is the next step and funding is being sought.

Many parts of West Africa are characterised by a scarcity of surface water due to dwindling rainfall, and groundwater is the only alternative. Because of the potential for conflict, dialogue on the use of groundwater resources is essential. GWP is coordinating the dialogue with the support of the Economic Community of West African States, which has included it among the priority actions during the implementation of the West Africa regional water policy.