Planning for IWRM in Senegal

As part of the PAWD (Partnership for African Water Development) project, Senegal engaged in a development process for an IWRM Action Plan.

The initiative was launched in August 2003 with the aims to promote IWRM at the basin level and capacity building training for IWRM, to bring concrete support to the development process of an IWRM plan, and to bring support to the Regional and Country Water Partnerships. The Global Water Partnership has supported the governments in the implementation of the IWRM planning process.

Well before the Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, Senegal was aware of the need to improve its water governance, but progress had been slow. The PAWD project therefore contributed to improved water resources management in several ways - the IWRM Plan was negotiated and included more stakeholders than before. Stakeholder's capacity was also enhanced. Moreover, there is now more cooperation among a large number of actors and a platform for dialogue has been established. Each region and department which was involved now also have a reference document on the water management situation. The local population is supporting IWRM and the conditions are met for setting up local water partnerships.

A longer summary and the full case study is available at the GWP ToolBox.