Togo Parliament adopts new water law

In 2010, the Togo Parliament passed a new water law that embraced IWRM principles. Adoption of an IWRM plan to turn words into action is pending. These milestones on the path to better water management were achieved in part as a result of sustained effort by GWP Togo.

The Country Water Partnership was involved in consultations on the law and plan from the beginning. GWP West Africa also met regularly with the Directorate of Water and Sanitation and the Directorate of Hydraulics, and shared experiences of IWRM in other countries which it had documented. The meetings and case studies gave officials an understanding of how different countries put IWRM into practice. GWP West Africa also helped organise capacity building seminars for the project Improving water management and governance in African countries through support in the development and implementation of IWRM plans. This is being carried out with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-DHI Centre for Water and Environment and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Water Resources Coordination Centre (WRCC).