PAWD Canadian Initiative

Partnership for African Waters Development, PAWD Introduction

The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) confirmed the importance of water and its critical relationship to all other development issues and reinforced the importance of achieving the MDGs. As regards water resource management, there was in particular one important target agreed at the Conference: National Integrated Water Resources Management and Water Efficiency plans to be prepared or well underway by 2005.

Is within this context that the Canadian Government announced the so called “Partnership for African Water Development” (PAWD) to be implemented in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership.

The PAWD program comprises three components:

1. Support to the WSSD Target for National Integrated Water Resources Management Plans

2. Support to institutional development of existing, new and emerging Partnerships

3. Support to integration of water into poverty reduction activities

The three components are very closely linked. The activities in component 2, partnership-support, are the basis for the components 1 and 3. The planning for IWRM includes the poverty-and-water issues that should also be found back in the PRSPs. The basic strategy cutting across these components has been to emphasize the development and involvement of multi-stakeholder groups at all levels with special emphasis on women and support and facilitate processes in which these groups become fully integrated into and active in improving the management of their water resources.

Target regions: Central, Eastern, Western, Southern Africa

Target countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Senegal and Zambia

Duration of the program: 2003- 2008

Funded by: Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA

Total budget: 10 million CAD (approx. 8.25 million USD)


All the documentation related to the PAWD.