Press release: Global Water Partnership Launches New Global Strategy

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) announces its new global strategy, one that focuses on the achievement of four major goals during the period 2009-2013.

“Recognizing the new challenges, GWP has developed a new intervention strategy,” said GWP Patron HRH The Prince of Orange Willem-Alexander. “This strategy makes the organisation fit for the future and guarantees the continuation of the important role that GWP is playing in improving the integrated planning and management of the world's water resources. It is an honour for me to be Patron of such an influential organisation.”

Referring to new global challenges, GWP Chair Letitia A. Obeng, said, “The Strategy has been developed during a difficult period. Development efforts are threatened due to unprecedented economic and financial volatility, and increased uncertainty facing the world. We are however excited that we can build on our past, and position ourselves to contribute to addressing urgent waterrelated challenges.” GWP’s educational and advocacy role since 1996 for an integrated approach to the management and development of water resources has contributed to changes in policies and legislation. The new strategy aims to build on those successes by pushing water higher up the development agenda.

“There are precious few development issues that can be talked about without reference to water security,” said GWP Technical Committee Chair Roberto Lenton, “whether it is poverty, hunger, disease, or the environment. In fact, the world community will have great difficulty reaching the Millennium Development Goals if it does not place water security issues front and centre.”

Martin Walshe, GWP Deputy Executive Secretary and currently Acting Executive Secretary, emphasized the inclusive process that resulted in the strategy. “The strategy is the result of a full year of consultations, including two network-wide meetings in 2008. The strategy truly represents the aims of the GWP network,” he said. “Comments were received from around the globe, including from staff and the donor community. We are grateful to everyone who contributed.”

Dr. Ania Grobicki, the newly-appointed GWP Executive Secretary, noted that “With communities, societies and nations under pressure from the economic downturn and from the effects of increasing climate variability, I believe passionately that GWP's key task is to keep the focus on water security for all.” Dr. Grobicki takes up her new post on March 11.