Side Event at COP 15

Information about a side event at COP 15 that GWP is co-convening with the Global Public Policy Network on Water Management, a joint initiative of the Stockholm International Water Institute and the Stakeholder Forum.

“Bridging the Water and Climate Change Agendas”

Presented by the GWP and the GPPN, Wednesday 9th 18:15-19:45 Halfdan Rasmussen Room

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) together with the Global Public Policy Network on Water Management (GPPN) invite you to a side event which addresses the important role that water plays in relation to climate change.

Water is a crosscutting concern for both climate change adaptation and mitigation. The side event will focus on a range of issues including;

What is the status of the UNFCCC negotiations?

Why is water relevant to a climate conference?

What can be done to ensure water is in the text?

How adaptation can support country-driven development: Spotlight on Bangladesh

What should our actions and priorities be beyond COP-15?
We invite country delegates to attend the event to learn why water is indispensable to the climate change agenda.

Speakers include: Ainun Nishat of the Bangladesh Delegation and IUCN, John Matthews (WWF), Ania Grobicki (GWP), Karin Lexen (SIWI), Hannah Stoddart (Stakeholder Forum), and Mike Muller (GWP). The session will be facilitated by Felix Dodds of the Stakeholder Forum.