Capacity Development for Climate Resilience in Africa

GWP’s Water, Climate and Development Programme for Africa (WACDEP), in collaboration with the UNDP-UNEP led National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP) recently arranged a Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop. The topic was the ‘Economics of Adaptation Water Security, and Climate Resilient Development’.

Held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, over 70 participants attended on 25-29 November. The event consisted of two parallel sessions: one led by GWP, focusing on mainstreaming water security and climate resilience into national development plans, and one led by UNDP-GEF, focusing on the economics of adaptation.

The GWP session included thematic lectures, presentations, breakout groups and discussion sessions. In particular, participants were trained on pedagogic and workshop tools, as well as quality assurance in trainings.

The UNDP-GEF session was aimed at enhancing the technical knowledge of approaches and methods in the African Union/AMCOW Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development. During the three days, the participants were trained in, inter alia, economic modeling, economic valuation of goods and services, cost-benefit analysis of adaptation projects and sector level economic analysis.

The overall objective of the ToT was to create a common understanding of the GWP/UNDP-GEF joint Capacity Development initiative, which focuses on the economics of adaptation, water security and climate resilient development in Africa. The ToT also reviewed the capacity development materials that will support workshops at country level, starting in January 2014.

The relationship with UNDP has led to collaboration on the Capacity Development Programme, and WACDEP Africa will be expanding to the following 17 countries in 2014: Ethiopia, Benin, Niger, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Comoros, Liberia, Uganda, Sao Tomé e Principe, Togo, Botswana.

Photo: The training took part in several sessions