Using the IWRM ToolBox in Education

To build a closer working relationship on knowledge sharing with universities, a workshop on the GWP Toolbox and IWRM Knowledge Centers was held in Stockholm on 25 August 2012. More than 16 lecturers and researchers from universities participated and shared experiences on teaching IWRM and other water resources-related areas, with examples of how the Toolbox can be applied.

The specific objectives of the workshop were to:

  1. Establish the added value of what a Toolbox curriculum could bring to water resources management programmes.
  2. Establish the range of courses/programmes that are and are not currently being taught, and to explore ways to better position the Toolbox to play a major role in water management programmes.
  3. Explore the possibility of establishing IWRM Knowledge Centers to meet the capacity needs for teaching various aspects of IWRM as well as offering capacity building programmes.
  4. Exchange information and experiences and create synergies to share experiences and recommendations that may be useful for others.

The ToolBox is central to GWP’s efforts to connect those who can provide knowledge with those who need knowledge on IWRM. There are several universities that already use the ToolBox in their curriculum. The purpose is now to expand the use of the IWRM ToolBox in academia.

The plan is that the IWRM Knowledge Centers will be hosted at national and regional universities and other educational institutions. Such a network of universities can promote IWRM, share knowledge and experiences and building capacity. A report from the workshop will be published later.