The day will show that water is a critical and cross-cutting concern for climate change adaptation and mitigation. There will be six sessions which will focus on climate change and a range of water-related issues: Water and Livelihoods; Water, Ecosystems and Forests; Water and Land; Water and Regional/transboundary cooperation; Water and Land; Water and Gender; Water and Energy.
The sessions will bring together water experts and advocates from across the governmental, nongovernmental and intergovernmental spheres – including UN Water, the Global Water Partnership,
WWF, IUCN, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Freshwater Action Network (FAN) and many more.
The day seeks to build further support for a Copenhagen outcome that clearly recognises the importance of water for tackling climate change, and includes strong and action-orientated text to this end. The day will also stimulate discussion on the post-Copenhagen international policy agenda on water and climate change.
Venue: Fira Congress Hotel
Lunch will be provided at 12.15 pm.