What Are We Doing in Istanbul?

With that question, GWP Patron HRH Prince Willem-Alexander challenged GWP to propose activities that will give him and GWP an active role in the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul in March 2009. During a two-day visit to Stockholm World Water Week, sandwiched between the Beijing Olympics, the Prince met with GWP representatives on August 19.

At the half hour meeting, the Prince learned of GWP’s evolving strategy for 2009-2013 and heard from regional representatives about activities in the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia. In addition, the chair of GWP’s Technical Committee, Roberto Lenton, informed the Prince that GWP will launch a new book at Istanbul. It was suggested that this event could be one in which the Prince participate. The book, to be published by Earthscan, is titled “Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice: Better Water Management for Development.” Toward the end of the meeting, the Prince repeated his anticipation of the 5th World Water Forum. GWP regions should carefully consider what they might bring to Istanbul that could be enhanced by the Prince’s involvement.