Youth Act for Water

GWP Chair Dr Letitia A ObengGWP Chair Dr Letitia A Obeng participated in the side event ‘The Water We Want: Youth Act for Water’ on 12 October 2012 at the UN General Assembly in New York. The event was a partnership between the Belgian Youth Delegates to the UN and the World Youth Parliament for Water, hosted by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dr Obeng emphasized that “As water becomes scarcer and water stress increases, we will see countries having more difficulty in managing it as a shared resource.  All the development sectors use water – a finite resource.” Giving examples of GWP’s work with youth across the network, she said that GWP will do more to incorporate a Youth Strategy in its next six year strategy starting in 2014.

The World Youth Parliament for Water (WYPW) was formed at the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille and aims to collect and promote the commitment of young people from all over the planet. Dr Letitia A Obeng is a Supporter of the WYPW.