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Please find copyright, trademarks and disclaimer information related to this website and its content below.


All content on this site is subject to copyright and the Global Water Partnership (GWP), as represented by the Global Water Partnership Organisation, reserves all rights to the content.

Any unauthorised use of any materials on this site may be a breach of law. Materials may be downloaded from this site for personal use and portions of the materials may be reproduced with the permission of and proper attribution to the Global Water Partnership. No use of the materials may be made for resale or other commercial purposes without prior written permission of the Global Water Partnership Organisation. You may link to the GWP homepage, but must ensure that the link does not harm GWP’s reputation or is perceived as any form of association with or approval from GWP.

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in publications posted on GWP websites are entirely those of the author and should not be interpreted as official expressions of the Global Water Partnership.

Trade Marks

The names “Global Water Partnership” and “Global Water Partnership Network” and the GWP logo, and any modifications thereof, belong exclusively to GWP, as represented by the Global Water Partnership Organisation.

The GWP name and logo may not be used in any form without the prior written consent of the Global Water Partnership Organisation. The use of the GWP name and logo is confined for use by GWP, the GWPO, and Regional and Country Water Partnerships accredited by GWPO.

The names and the logo shall be used in the manner prescribed in the Visual Brand Policy of GWPO.


Our goal is to keep all information accurate and up-to-date. However, the information on this site is exclusively included as general information. No rights whatsoever can be derived from this information. GWP will not be liable for loss or damage of any kind which may arise as a result of reliance on the data included on any GWP website or otherwise as a result of using GWP's websites.

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For your convenience, the websites contain links which may lead to servers maintained by persons or organisations other than GWP. GWP is not responsible for, nor endorses the content and privacy practices of, such websites.