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/ Case studies / English

Closing the gap to access climate financing through capacity building on gender policy development of GCF Direct Access Entities in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka finds it challenging to achieve the overarching goal of the Paris Agreement mainly due to limited financing. The flexible financial solutions offered by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) plays a pivotal role in such instances, for the developing nations to access international climate financing. Yet, Sri Lanka has only one GCF accredited Direct Access Entity (DAE) which further reduces the opportunity to access adequate funding for climate action. The Global Water Partnership South Asia led 2nd Sri Lanka GCF Readiness Project facilitated workshop on Gender Policy Development and Gender Mainstreaming in GCF Activities held targeting pipeline DAEs resulted additional two nominated DAEs successfully submitting their applications to GCF.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Technical Resources Developed by GWP-C

Access various Perspectives Papers developed by the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) Technical Committee below. These Papers are intended to galvanise discussion within the GWP-C network and the larger water and development community.