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GWP Annual Report 2018

Highlights from GWP's activities carried out throughout the network in 2018.
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GWP SAS in Action video

This brief video provides the viewers an understanding about GWP South Asia and its activities (clicking the image takes you to YouTube)
/ Other / English

Multi-stakeholder Position Paper on the inclusion of community-based water and sanitation program in the new Water Law in Indonesia

On 17 September 2018, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) entitled “Multi-party Recommendations on Water Resources Bill (RUU SDA)” was organized by Jejaring AMPL (Water and Sanitation Network) at Akmani Hotel, Jakarta. Water and Sanitation Network was formed on 8 October 2007 in Jakarta to address the issue of low service accessibility, weak coordination and synergy in the water and sanitation sector. Members of the Network comprises actors and observers in the water and sanitation sector in Indonesia. Discussions in the FGD produced inputs and revisions to the articles in the Water Resources Bill (RUU SDA). To follow up on the results of the discussion, a workshop with the same title was held to present the discussion results to responders and participants from the civil society, NGOs, government stakeholders, working partners and mass media. The workshop was held at The Park Lane Hotel on 20 September 2018.