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/ Case studies / English

Cameroon: Preparing National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change and its Investment Strategy (#492)

Cameroon is already facing consequences of climate change, including an abnormal recurrence of extreme weather phenomena such as violent winds, high temperatures, and heavy rainfall, which endanger communities’ ecosystems and the services they provide. The consequences of climate change may undermine Cameroon's efforts to reduce poverty, develop a strong, diversified, and competitive economy, and strengthen national unity and consolidate the democratic process. Thus, the National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) was created to assist the Cameroonian people in facing this important challenge.

/ Corporate publications / English

GWP in Action 2017

This is the 2017 Annual Report of the GWP network.
/ Reports/proceedings / English

Valuing Water - Final Report

Final report of the regional consultations on Valuing Water, November 2017.
/ Case studies / English

Augmenting Water and Food Security of Small Farmers in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu (#491)

Across India, the magnitude and intensity of extreme weather events like drought and floods is increasing. Such changes in climatic conditions affect a myriad of issues of which, access to water for drinking and domestic purposes and for agriculture affect farmer communities in South India the most, as majority of Indian farmers are dependent on rain fed agriculture.

/ Corporate publications / English

GWP Pitch Book

GWP’s vision is to achieve a water secure world. This brief describes how GWP works.
/ Corporate publications / English

GWP Pitch Book

GWP’s vision is to achieve a water secure world. This brief describes how GWP works.