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/ Perspectives papers / English

Sugar Industry in Maharashtra

A Position Paper - Droughts and Sugar Industry in Maharashtra –Are We Learning from History? 2016
/ Case studies / English

Albania and Montenegro: Creating an Integrated Water Resources Plan for the Buna / Bojana Watershed (#486)

The transboundary Buna / Bojana Watershed is shared by Albania and Montenegro, as well as a long stretch of coastal zone of the Adriatic Sea. The watershed is faced with a variety of pressures, including unsustainable agricultural methods, increased tourism, and altered hydrological regimes from hydropower generation and flood control measures. Albania and Montenegro, while similar socially and economically, differ in their administrative, legal, and institutional frameworks. Regardless, both countries have recognized the need to strengthen their cross-border cooperation through the development of an integrated water resource plan (the Plan) for the watershed.

/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

IWRM ToolBox Teaching Manual

In collaboration with IWRM educational institutions, training materials to accompany the GWP IWRM ToolBox for the purpose of teaching in academia.
/ Brochures, Reports/proceedings / English

Annual Report 2016

The annual report recaps major achievements of GWP West Africa during the year 2016. It highlights main results and gives trends for the next steps on activities, programmes, projects and initiatives.
/ Other / English

Greywater Recycling

Greywater recycling aims at advancing the use of cost-effective and replicable practices, to ensure water availability and address water scarcity challenges at a local level.