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/ IWRM tools / English

Capacity Building (B4)

Capacity building – at the individual, institutional, and societal levels – is an important means to further IWRM principles and boost the overall quality of water governance structures. Capacity building essentially stands for a twofold process: (1) it is about understanding the obstacles that prevent the people, the organisations, or any other elements of an institutional framework from fully realizing their development goals; and (2) it is also concerned with finding the applicable mechanisms in overcoming these challenges and ultimately achieving better and more sustainable results.
/ IWRM tools / English

Coordination and Facilitation (B3)

Coordination and facilitation bodies (CFBs) and instruments play the very important role of articulating and harmonizing the actions and visions of the numerous entities concerned with water management. Whether it is at the international, national, or even regional level, mediators are always needed in dealing with water related issues. Tools under this section can be seen as tying strings for an IWRM strategy and for good water governance to crystalize.