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/ Reports/proceedings / English

Towards Water Security: A framework for Action

A launching pad for all kinds of action at local and country levels with active, strategic supporting roles for regional and international players.
/ Technical background papers / English

Increasing Water Security: the Key to Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

Water features in almost all the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) in the UN’s new development agenda up to 2030, which demonstrates its central role in all aspects of development. This paper is a timely response that reviews the evolution of the IWRM approach over the past 25 years and its contributions towards increasing water security. This is a Technical Background Paper, written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Beyond increasing block tariffs

Increasing block tariff (IBT) regimes are widely used as a means to charge for access to water services. This paper highlights IBT failures.