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/ Case studies / English

USA. Integrated flood plain management (#86)

Flood damage is caused by excessive precipitation and is exacerbated by actions that place people and property in watercourses. It accounts for more l
/ Policy briefs, WACDEP publications / English

Water Security for Development in an Uncertain Climate

Improving water security is a prerequisite for growth, development and poverty reduction. Yet, most African countries are far from achieving water security, and without it their development prospects are compromised. This policy brief presents options that deliver immediate development benefits while building resilience to longer term climate change. Policy briefs provide policy makers with information on water resources management. This brief was developed under the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP).
/ Policy briefs, WACDEP publications / English

Building on the Foundations of Integrated Water Resources Management

Building climate resilience into development across water-dependent is key to achieving long-term sustainability, but will demand strong cross-sectoral integration and coordination. This policy brief argues that building on the foundations of IWRM is an effective way to fast-track the integration of climate resilience in development planning. Policy briefs provide policy makers with information on water resources management. This brief was developed under the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP).