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/ Case studies / English

Australia: Technological Innovation amidst Complex Regulation in Kalkallo (#470)

Kalkallo project was the first large scale construction project in Australia attempted to harvest and treat stormwater to a standard acceptable for direct injection into water supply system. Because the project was innovative there was no regulatory framework dictating the rules of the game. That was considered as a barrier to move forward. The project turned out to display a high degree of success in some policy dimensions while a negligible degree in some others.

/ Case studies / English

Haiti: The Impacts of the 2010 Earthquake on Water and Sanitation in Port-au-Prince (#469)

On January 12th, 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit a point 15 km southwest of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It led to more than 230 000 deaths and significant physical destructions. The response actions were limited by the underlying vulnerabilities that existed in the country prior to the event and by a lack of coordination among decision-makers. This study intended to improve the understanding of policy-makers, water and sanitation practitioners and researchers on the actions that have been taken and their outcomes in the water and sanitation sector in Port-au-Prince. It revealed that weak governance coupled with poor infrastructure can result in catastrophic scenarios after the occurrence of a disaster.

/ Reports/proceedings / English


This page contains reports produced under WACREP by GWP SAS Regional Office and its Country Officers.
/ Case studies / English

Spain: Improvement of the ecological status of the River Órbigo, León, Duero Basin (#468)

In the Spanish National Strategy for River Restoration (NSRR, Estrategia Nacional de Restauracion de Ríos), it has been identified that most riparian environments do not possess environmental or ecological status. The restoration of the Orbigo river benefitted from the implementation of various Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM), such as levee removal and setbacks, rip-rap removal, recovery of secondary channels, floodplain reclamation, and re-afforestation of the riparian zone with native species.

/ Case studies / English

Czech Republic: Implementation of Sustainable Sanitation in Rural Areas; An Integrated Approach in Hostětín (#467)

Small and medium size communities in Central Europe are faced with severe problems of waste water management. When it comes to waste water management, small settlements (with less than 2,000 inhabitants) lie outside of the concern of water managers and decision makers. A group of citizens initiated a cooperation process with civic associations, members of local authorities and later the cooperation included local small entrepreneurs as well as foreign investors to actualize a number of local projects and initiatives.