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/ Case studies / English

Brazil: Joining the grid; Sustainable energy (#466)

The distribution of many rural communities in Brazil presents a major challenge in terms of providing access to energy. The production and consumption of energy can, however, have serious consequences for the natural environment. The energy sector in Brazil has been engaged in a process of ‘learning from mistakes'. One important lesson learnt is that establishing and maintaining a high-level policy consensus is key in achieving success. 

/ Case studies / English

Lao PDR: Unsung progress in rural sanitation: Building the foundations (#465)

Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) faces considerable challenges in the delivery of sustainable and equitable access to sanitation in rural areas. Small steps have been taken towards increasing national ownership of and political commitment to sanitation in Lao PDR. As a lesson learnt; there is no one blueprint for progress in sanitation delivery. Services can be delivered in different ways– e.g. household investment or direct programmatic efforts.

/ Case studies / English

Mediterranean: Non-Conventional Water Resources Programme (# 464)

The majority of the Mediterranean islands encounter water scarcity challenges due to their small catchment areas and the impacts of emerging climate vulnerability and change. To tackle the problem of water scarcity, the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med) has developed the concept and content of the Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) programme implemented in Greece since 2008, in Malta since 2011, and in Cyprus since 2013.

/ Case studies / English

Trinidad and Tobago: Towards adaptive IWRM in Matura basin (#461)

The Matura watershed is located in the eastern region of Trinidad. The major threats to watershed degradation originate from anthropogenic activities that are unsustainably executed. Several mitigation measures were initiated by the regulatory agencies that constantly monitor the watershed as well as the community-based organisation, Nature Seekers.

/ Other / English

MAYI 2014

MAYI is a GWP-CAf annual magazine produced in collaboration with Water and Climate Change Specialists as well as  Media Professionals in Central Africa. Download the magazine

/ Reports/proceedings / English


The GWP-CAf Strategy towards 2019 is to support a sustainable development by promoting IWRM and its implementation in order to ensure water security in Central Africa. Download the strategy

/ Case studies / English

Cameroon: Lessons from domestic rain water harvesting (#460)

Water resources, in particular conventional rural water supply systems/sources are among the first to be impacted by climate variability. Accessibility to portable water in the sudano-sahelian part of Cameroon is a course for concern given that the population relies mainly on springs, wells and boreholes for the supply of potable water in rural areas.