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/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

National Drought Management Policy Guidelines - A Template for Action

This publication is part of the ‘Integrated Drought Management Tools and Guidelines Series’. These National Drought Management Policy Guidelines are based on available literature, and draw findings from relevant works wherever possible. It is a resource guide/material for practitioners, not an academic paper.
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

Handbook of Drought Indicators and Indices

This Handbook is based on available literature and draws findings from relevant works wherever possible. It addresses the needs of practitioners and policymakers and is considered as a resource guide/material for practitioners and not an academic paper. It is a ‘living document’ and will be updated based on the experiences of its readers.
/ Briefing notes / English

Connecting Water and Energy

The energy and water sectors have different drivers behind decision-making: energy planners are more focused on diversifying sources of producing low-carbon energy, while water managers have to satisfy a variety of water users, including the environment. Cross-sector cooperation and coordination in policies and planning can maximise the supply of one resource while minimising overuse of the other. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.
/ Corporate publications / English

Annual report GWP-WA

The report gives progress GWP Waf has made in the implementation of its activities during the year, all staff is reporting with key lessons learned, the way forward.