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/ IWRM tools / English

Efficiency in Water Management (C6)

Water demand management and water supply management constitute two different ways of addressing human water use. Water is wasted and inefficiently used by many sectors, and simultaneously water demand is steadily increasing. Therefore, an obvious (and necessary) way to meet increasing demand is to increase the efficiency of use and supply, thereby making more water available within the constraints of existing supply.
/ IWRM tools / English

Promoting Social Change (C8)

Changing the behaviour of water users and water managers towards more sustainable practices is a necessary step in achieving water security. However, this requires changes of deeply held attitudes in individuals, institutions, professionals, and social organisations to encourage a more water-oriented society. By definition, social change instruments are not neutral: the positive aims that one person might pursue with their behavioural change could be considered destructive by others. Therefore, it is important to be clear on the goal (what to change) and on the method (how to change).