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/ Case studies / English

West Africa: Roadmaps for Water Management in West Africa (#396)

Although the West African Sub-region is well advanced in IWRM, some countries still need more support. A strategy was developed to help countries that had formally requested IWRM planning assistance. The lesson learnt is that participatory processes take much longer than non-participatory ones, nonetheless, they are still favourable since they provide a platform for discussion and a place to exchange ideas. 

/ Case studies / English

Transboundary: Water management through multi-level participatory governance and community projects in Volta River Basin (#430)

The Volta River basin remained one of the few unregulated transboundary watercourses in Africa.  Action was taken to improve water governance and water management practices. Although this is still in progress, it has resulted in multi-scale participatory governance frameworks for joint management. From this process, it is evident that building a local knowledge base with good data and information systems is important in deciding the most efficient allocation of resources.  

/ Case studies / English

Transboundary: Establishing a transboundary organisation for IWRM in the Senegal River basin (#45)

The Senegal River has seen considerable migration of people in view of worsening drought and desertification. Furthermore, it is subjected to threats such as loss of arable land, and pollution from waste. To address the problems and to realise the potential of the basin, the Senegal River Development Organisation was established by three of the riparian states. This case gives important insights into how an institutional and legal infrastructure can be built in stages. 

/ Case studies / English

Transboundary organization in the Niger River Basin (#46)

The Niger River basin is of importance to the region. The Niger Basin Authority was established to foster, promote and co-ordinate studies and programs relating to the Niger River basin. Today the authority is required to promote co-operation among the member countries and to ensure integrated development of its resources. This case illustrates and provides key insights into transboundary river basin management. 

/ Case studies / English

Nigeria: Multi-stakeholder participation in the management of water resources, Komadugu Yobe Basin, upstream of Lake Chad (#429)

Due to increased agricultural irrigation and large scale dam projects, and inappropriate land and water management practices, the water inflow to the Komadugu Yobe Basin has dramatically been reduced. Action has been taken to establish a legal and policy enabling environment, as well as to increase knowledge among the local communities to establish more sustainable behaviour. The main lesson learnt was that although a multi-stakeholder participatory approach is slow, it helped to mobilise partnership.

/ Case studies / English

Mali: Capitalizing on the process of elaboration of the Action Plan for IWRM (#345)

Encouraged by regional developments, Mali initiated the process to implement IWRM. This was done in three stages: 1) a project team and a Steering Committee were set up to define the management and steering framework of the project, 2) a situation analysis was developed and discussed with broad stakeholder groups and 3) a provisional Action Plan was prepared. This case study illustrates the key moments and events of the process of elaboration of the IWRM. 

/ Case studies / English

Burkina Faso: Promoting innovative approaches for research and development (#322)

Despite an almost abundance of water, most water users in the South-western region of Burkina Faso regularly face water shortages due to an intensification of irrigated agriculture. Action was consequently taken to set up the Local Water Committee. The lesson learnt is that in the realm of the water sector, it is crucial for the state, local authorities, civil society and the private sector to collaborate to find new potential solutions.

/ Case studies / English

Burkina Faso: Action Plan for IWRM (#338)

Confronted with serious water issues constraining development, Burkina Faso decided to implement IWRM. The process has been conducted following three key steps: 1) assessing the status, 2) adapting the legal framework to IWRM principles and 3) Identifying key water resources management issues and developing an action plan. The main lesson learnt is that political will at the highest levels should be established at an early stage.

/ Case studies / English

Benin: Partnerships for Africa’s Water Development: IWRM planning process.  (#381)

In Benin, water use has not been regulated. Furthermore, water management has been sector-based, fragmented and compartmentalised. To change this, action was taken to initiate IWRM in Benin. A baseline study was done followed by drafting of an IWRM action plan. From the experience, the lesson learnt is that advocacy for strengthening political will for supporting the process must be seen as a transversal and on-going action throughout the whole IWRM process.

/ Case studies / English

Zambia: Restoring the Kafue Flats (#255)

Kafue Flats are the vast open floodplain of the Kafue River, important for fishing, cattle grazing, sugar cane farming, and production of hydroelectric power. Increased human pressure is, however, threatening the ecosystem. Action was taken by WWF to create partnerships between different stakeholders. Furthermore, an IWRM plan has been initiated. This case illustrates how integrated planning can bring together stakeholders with diverse interests.