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/ Case studies / English

Transboundary: Reversal of land and water degradation in Lake Chad (#257)

Lake Chad is an important resource, both in terms of economic development and biodiversity. However, unsustainable management of natural resources, population increase and desertification pose severe challenges. Action has been taken by the WWF and its partners to promote sustainable management. This case illustrates that independent organisations, such as WWF, can play a unique role as a catalyst and facilitator for change. 

/ Case studies / English

Cameroon: Partnerships for Africa's Water Development: Planning for IWRM and Development (#375)

Cameroon actively works with a project to implement IWRM at national level. Action has been taken in a four stage process including the preparation of a national IWRM Action Plan. As a result of these measures, the foundation for IWRM Strategy and Action Plan has been laid and the strategic options identified. The key lesson learnt is that it is crucial to present key facts and results in a concise manner for effective participation in the future.

/ Case studies / English

Cameroon: Local initiative to protect Lake Ossa (#363)

The Lake Ossa complex is faced with unsustainable fishing practices, habitat destruction and deteriorated water quality. These trends have severe negative impact on the livelihoods of people, leading to further unsustainable over-exploitation. To combat these developments, a sustainable livelihood approach has been applied to foster collaboration among stakeholders. From this experience, it is evident that active local NGOs can be vehicles for facilitating dialogue and mobilising different stakeholders. 

/ Case studies / English

Cameroon: Challenges in Kumbo community to improve water supply management (#364)

The Kumbo water supply system has always had contested ownership claims. After decades of protest, action was taken and management was transferred to Kumbo Urban Council, resulting in the establishment of an inclusive and participatory community water governance structure. From this, the lesson can be learnt that the command and control paradigm can provoke social and political instability. The case also demonstrates how community based platforms can enhance community mobilisation and participatory governance.

/ Case studies / English

Bulgaria: Constructed Wetlands; Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Rural and Peri-Urban Communities (#431)

Rural and peri-urban areas are often neglected when making infrastructure investments. However, these areas could gain from treatment of domestic wastewater through the construction of wetlands. In Bulgaria, the problem of wastewater treatment was addressed through the construction of a wetland for treating wastewater from domestic sources. The lesson learnt is the importance of community initiatives.  

/ Case studies / English

Kazakhstan: Analysis of Legal Reform for the Management and Use of Water Resources (#433)

Water management in Kazakhstan was previously characterised by a command and control approach. The Water Code was adopted in 2003 as an answer to these problems. Furthermore, a project was launched to evaluate the current state of the legal framework for IWRM and to identify the potential for improvements and propose amendments to the Water Code. It is evident that IWRM is a complex approach and any amendments need to be done holistically. 

/ Background papers, Briefing notes, Brochures, Case studies, Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines, IWRM tools, Other, Policy briefs, Reports/proceedings, Technical briefs / English

Regional documentation

The following are regional publications to be downloaded free of charge.

/ Policy briefs / English

Social Equity: The Need for an Integrated Approach

Social equity, economic efficiency, and environmental sustainability constitute the three pillars of Integrated Water Resources Management. This policy brief provides an analytical framework that policy-makers can use to understand the relationship between water management and social equity – including causes, dynamics, consequences, and possible solutions. Policy briefs provide policy makers with information on water resources management. They are written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.