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/ Policy briefs / English

Rio+20: Water Security for Growth and Sustainability

This brief summarizes key messages for the Rio+20 Conference, which are derived from GWP work and experiences. They include: the crucial role of water as a driver for green economy, the need for building more effective institutions to manage water better, and the ongoing need for integrated approaches. Policy briefs provide policy makers with information on water resources management. They are written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Groundwater Resources and Irrigated Agriculture

This paper provides an overview of the current situation in patterns and drivers of intensive groundwater use, the ways in which sustainability can be improved in “groundwater-only” irrigation areas and conjunctive use in major alluvial canal commands, and considers the future outlook. This is a Perspectives Paper, meant to incite a discussion on important issues related to water and development.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Increasing Water Security - A Development Imperative

This paper argues that water security in the 21st century requires leaders, practitioners, and societies to continue their journey of taking an integrated approach to water resources management. Moreover, it argues the need to expand our views on how this can best be done—to make a difference at the local level, in river basins and cities. It is a Perspectives Paper, meant to incite a discussion on important issues related to water and development.
/ Technical background papers / English

Integrated Urban Water Management

This paper helps details the shift from a “silo” approach that attempts to manage different aspects of urban water cycle in isolation to an integrated approach. IUWM calls for the alignment of urban development and basin management to achieve sustainable economic, social, and environmental goals. This is a Technical Background Paper, written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Water in the Green Economy

Water is not just part of the economy; it is embedded within the economy. Without water, the economy could not function. Thus water has the potential to lead the process of ‘greening’ the world’s economies. This is a Perspectives Paper, meant to incite a discussion on important issues related to water and development.
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

A Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Transboundary Basins of Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers

More than half the world’s population depends upon water resources shared by more than one country. The Handbook provides guidance on planning and collaboration beyond national boundaries. In successive sections, it addresses the concepts of cooperation, governance, information systems, participation, planning and financing. It considers the specific challenges related to inland waterways, major water infrastructure, ecosystems and climate change. This Handbook was produced jointly by GWP and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) in order to capture experiences with planning and implementing IWRM.
/ Briefing notes / English

Delivering adaptation through water

Climate change is undermining development efforts and will cause unavoidable impacts. Managing water better is central to the world’s development and adaptation challenges, including food security, energy production, poverty reduction, economic growth, and human health. This briefing note lays out key aspects of water and climate change impacts and strategies. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.
/ Briefing notes, Corporate publications / English

Why We Do What We Do

Embedded in GWP’s Global Strategy is a “value chain” that shows how each goal links with the others. Ultimately, we want to change the way water is managed in order to achieve a water secure world. This briefing note presents the key aspects of GWP’s approach. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.