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/ IWRM tools, Other / English

Rainwater Harvesting ToolBox

In partnership with the Council for Caribbean Science and Technology (CCST), Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) received a grant from the Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund (PGTTF) to finance a Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) project for the Caribbean.

/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

Water Use Efficiency Manuals

GWP-C in its efforts to improve water resources management in the region has developed two training manuals on Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector and the Tourism Industry.

/ Briefing notes / English

Investing in water for sustainable growth

Investing in water management contributes to poverty reduction, climate resilience and sustainable development. However, water investments are spread across many institutions and at different levels of government. This briefing note lays out different aspects of water investments. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.
/ Technical background papers / English

Social Equity and Integrated Water Resources Management

Social equity is the least understood of the 3 E’s (equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability) of IWRM. This paper sets out an overarching framework for the analysis of equity in the context of water development and management and aims to support the equitable distribution of benefits from water resources. This is a Technical Background Paper, written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.