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Caribbean Water Insight

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean’s (GWP-C’s) newsletter, Caribbean Water Insight (CWI) keeps you abreast of news and activities of the Partnership and other IWRM stakeholders in the region.

/ Briefing notes / English

Implementing IWRM in Malaysia

This briefing note presents the progress in integrated water resources management that has been facilitated by GWP Malaysia since its inception. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.
/ Briefing notes / English

GWP China: A decade of impact

This briefing note presents the main achievements towards water security that have been facilitated by GWP China since its inception. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.