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/ Policy briefs / English

GWP-C Supports Capacity Building on Climate Scenarios in the Dominican Republic

In 2020, the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) began supporting the Government of the Dominican Republic (DR) to develop estimates of increased risk of flooding and landslides due to rainfall projections under climate change scenarios. This technical study was completed in the last quarter of 2020. It is one of a series of activities and outputs by GWP-C to inform the preparation of the country’s submission for the second round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and is part of the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) from the NDC Partnership.
/ Technical background papers, Technical briefs / English

Technical Note on Dental Fluorosis in the Far North Region of Cameroon

To share its experience on dental fluorosis in the Far North region of Cameroon, the Cameroon Country Water Partnership (GWP-Cmr) has published a technical note in French titled « La Fluorose Dentaire: Une Menace encore méconnue de la Santé publique au Cameroun»