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/ Technical briefs / English

Checklist for change: Defining areas for action in an IWRM strategy or plan

This brief focuses on areas for action in the political, social, economic and administrative systems that are needed in order to develop and manage water resources and the delivery of water services. Technical Briefs disseminate technical knowledge about water resources management. They are written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Policy briefs / English

Water and Sustainable Development: Lessons from Chile

Chile incorporated water issues into its strategies for economic growth offering valuable lessons to all policy makers involved in national development planning, not just those responsible for water. Policy briefs provide policy makers with information on water resources management. They are written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Technical briefs / English

Tools for keeping IWRM strategic planning on track

This brief describes two project management tools, indicators and checklists, that can help to ensure that the process of implementing a strategy for Integrated Water Resources Management proceeds smoothly. Technical Briefs disseminate technical knowledge about water resources management. They are written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Policy briefs / English

How IWRM will Contribute to Achieving the MDGs

This brief outlines why water is important to achieve the MDGs and how it should be managed to this end. Specifically, it explains why IWRM has been adopted by the international community and how it can contribute to meeting the MDGs. Policy briefs provide policy makers with information on water resources management. They are written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.