These publications provide practical information on the characteristics and processes that have effectively transformed MSPs into drivers of change for integrated water resource management (IWRM). Along with the main publication, The MSP Sourcebook, there are various other resources available that examine how MSPs in the water sector can help achieve advancements in areas such as gender equality, youth & climate action, private sector involvement, transboundary cooperation, and advancing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

MSP publications & resources

The MSP Sourcebook
A Guide for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Water Management

Multi-stakeholder regional dialogues
Pathways for advancing transboundary water cooperation

Multi-stakeholder regional dialogues (BRIEF)
Pathways for advancing transboundary water cooperation

Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Processes for SDG 6 Monitoring
Enhancing multi-stakeholder consultation processes for SDG 6 monitoring

Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Processes for SDG 6 Monitoring (BRIEF)
Best practices and tactics

Partnerships for plastic pollution control in the Yangtze River
Strengthening coordination using the River Chief System

Partnerships for plastic pollution control in the Yangtze River (BRIEF)
Strengthening coordination using the River Chief System

Gender Equality in Water Governance
10 Stories of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Youth-Led Partnerships for Water and Climate Action
Multi-media publication, bringing out the youth voices

Les jeunes, partenaires clés pour l'action hydrique et climatique
French version of Youth-Led Partnerships for Water and Climate Action

Multi-Stakeholder Partnership for the Hindon Rejuvenation
Sharing Insights from the Experience of Establishing a Basin-Level MSP for River Rejuvenation in India