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Regional Webinar on Valuing Water – Sharing Country Level Experience & Lessons in South Asia

World Water Day is commemorated on 22 March - an annual UN observance to focus attention on the global water crisis. This year’s theme is 'Valuing Water', exploring what water means to people, its value and how we can protect this essential life resource. GWP South Asia, the global GWP office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Netherlands are organising a regional webinar on experiences and lessons at country level.
/ English

Theory to Implementation in Water and Climate Series

A 3-part webinar series took place in February and March to highlight and clarify linkages between water and climate in national climate action plans, such as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and various investment mechanisms. “For me, the stories from countries were the best part. I think they speak to all of us and tell us what it's really like to change theory into implementation on the ground,” said Dani Gaillard-Picher, GWP Global Coordinator for Water and Climate Processes, in her summary of the series.
/ English

Voices from Women Leaders in the GWP-C Network – International Women’s Day 2021

Each year on March 8th, the United Nations’ (UN) International Women’s Day provides a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to recognise acts of courage and determination by women around the globe. It is a global day for celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.