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Webinar Series: Water and Climate Coordination

A 3-part webinar series is held in February and March to strengthen climate and water linkages in national climate action plans such as the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and various investment mechanisms. The series is jointly organised by Cap-Net, UNDP, AGWA, SIWI, Water Governance Facility and GWP. It is the second webinar series organised on the theme water and climate - the first round of webinars were held in July 2020.
/ English

Climate Resilience Programme

The impacts of climate change manifest through alterations in the water cycle, exposing ecosystems and the livelihoods of people to increased variability in water availability and increased exposure to water-related hazards. These impacts are expected to intensify over time, posing a significant threat. The impacts of climate change in the water sector also hinder economic and social development, emphasizing the need for countries to integrate water security and climate resilience strategies into their development plans.
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Cambodia Water Partnership Engaged the Partners and Lead the Development of the Green Climate Fund Proposal

Cambodia Water Partnership (CambodiaWP) collaborated with the partners to develop a sound Green Climate Fund (GCF) application. The project proposal was the continuation of the Water, Climate, and Development Programme (WACDEP) started in 2018 aiming at the implementation of IWRM under the medium and long-term flood risks management planning in the Central Floodplain (CFP) of Cambodia.