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/ English

GWP WA chair discusses with CWP Côte d’Ivoire

Taking advantage of his stay in Abidjan as part of the establishment of the ABCBT, the Chair of GWP-WA had an exchange meeting on Thursday 26 April 2018 with stakeholders of the CWP Côte d'Ivoire (PNECI). The meeting was attended by some members of the Steering Committee and the Scientific and Technical Committee of the CWP. The exchanges focused on the revitalization of the Country Water Partnership of Côte d'Ivoire.
/ English

SADC and partners to convene Gender Session at 9th SADC RBO Workshop

The Gender Session for the 9th Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) River Basin Organisations / Shared Watercourse Institutions (RBOs/SWIs) Workshop will be held virtually on 21 September 2021, under the theme ‘Integrating gender equality and social inclusion into water programs of the SADC RBOs/SWIs and Member States.
/ English

Inclusive and integrative investment projects key to development in the SADC region

Integrative and inclusive investment project planning at the transboundary and regional levels is critical in the response to challenges and catalysing development in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. This was one of the key issues raised at the transboundary water management session convened by the Lesotho ICM project and Partners at the Stockholm World Water Week (WWW) on 30 August in Stockholm, Sweden.