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GWP CAf 2017 statutory meetings

The 2017 statutory meetings of GWP CAf were held in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, with the Steering Committee meeting on the 12th and 13th of December 2017 and the General Assembly on the 14th December 2017.
/ English

Gambia: SC meeting and support for the accreditation process

The Gambia Country Water Partnership (GCWP) is the youngest of the CWPs in West Africa (officially launched in December 2011) is yet to complete its accreditation process as a partner of Global Water Partnership (GWP). Some actions were undertaken since 2014 which didn’t get through. To facilitate the exchange process with country partners in The Gambia, the Executive Secretary decided that the Communication manager goes to Banjul and prepares with them all the needed documentation for the accreditation to be done as soon as possible.

/ English

About the Workshop

Global Water Partnership, in collaboration with the African Water Facility (AWF), African Development Bank (Afdb), Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF), Climate Resilience Infrastructure Development Facility (CRIDF), and Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) is organizing, in consultation with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), a “Workshop on Project Preparation for Transformative Climate Resilient GCF Water Projects in Africa”.
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Vacancy Announcement

The Global Water Partnership Caucasus and Central Asia (GWP CACENA) is seeking to hire the Regional Coordinator.
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The PNE Congo held its 2nd General Assembly

To conform to the texts in vigour and anxious to play the role of promotion of IWRM in the Republic of Congo, the Partners of the PNE Congo have committed themselves to relaunch the activity of their Institution and to devote a new beginning to it.
/ English

Guinea partners to give new dynamism to CWP

Partners of the Guinea Country Water Partnership are actively for ways to reactivate the CWP. Following up on the recommendations of the regional Assembly of Partners of September 2017 inviting the CWP to meet criteria of accreditation and improve the internal governance of the network, the partners have organized two meetings to discuss ways and means to revitalize the CWP.