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GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ English

The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) – Global Water Partnership (GWP) PAN ASIA Consultation Meeting: Draft Principles on Addressing Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) During Covid-19 Pandemic

August 4 -- The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was established to assist the international community, governments, and stakeholders in mobilizing political will and resources. HELP is committed to addressing water-related disaster risk reduction including the present challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances in hand. The consultation meeting was held to discuss and gain insights on how to practically implement key suggestions proposed in the HELP Principle to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction under Covid-19 Pandemic. The consultation also aims exchanges among decision-makers, experts and practitioners in Asia region on how they can be better prepared for co-occurring disasters on water and health.
/ English

Technical Assistant – Africa Water Investment Support Programme for Water, Climate, Development and Gender (WACDEP-G)

To effectively and efficiently implement WACDEP-G and support its contribution to the broader AIP agenda, GWP-CAf is recruiting a young professional to provide technical and program management support to the regional secretariat in Yaounde, Cameroon. The Young Professional will work under the direct supervision of the Regional Executive Secretary, and in close collaboration with the incoming Programme Manager for WACDEP-G. Duties will include international travel and representation.
/ English

CWP Republic of Congo (CWP-Congo) Now Accredited

The Republic of Congo Country Water Partnership (CWP Congo) has been accredited by the Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership, Monika Weber-Fahr. The accreditation letter which was signed on June 12, 2020 makes CWP Congo the 4th CWP to be accredited within the GWP-CAf Network.