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USD 2.2 Million Signing Ceremony a GWP Regional Days Highlight

GWP held its annual Regional Days meeting on 1-4 June. The virtual event set a record in numbers, with over 120 GWP participants worldwide. While the main purpose is to have a shared understanding of GWP priorities and approaches, one of the highlights this year was the ‘virtual signing’ of a grant agreement between GWP and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) on readiness support to the Zambia National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
/ English

GWP Cameroon changes status from an Association to a Non-Governmental Organization

After almost five years since the initiation of the administrative process to change its legal status, Country Water Partnership, Cameroon (GWP-Cmr) is now an NGO following a Ministerial Decree n° 00000005 of April 1st 2020. This change in status brings along a number of advantages the possibility to seek direct funding from government ministries and related organizations in order to advance its mission of ensuring water security in Cameroon. In an interview with the Chair of GWP-Cmr, Mr. Mamoudou Ousman talks about GWP- Cmr, what prompted the need for a legal status change, benefits and challenges, and shares lessons learnt with other Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) in the GWP-CAF network looking to change their legal status.
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Julie Perkins, Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA)

GWOPA’s Julie Perkins talks about the role of water operators and explains why everyone should submit their change journey to the Water ChangeMaker Awards, get recognition and share their solutions with the rest of the world. “The very courageous and visionary people and institutions, who have taken bold leadership to climate action should really be credited with this”.

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Botswana Water Platform

The Botswana Country Water Partnership (BCWP) was launched in October 2003 as a chapter of GWP-SA. The Partnership was established with a mission to promote collaboration and sustainable utilization and management of water resources in Botswana through exchange of knowledge, experience and the practice of IWRM.
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GWP response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting societies and economies of countries at their core at different levels. It will most likely increase poverty and inequalities in South Asia, making achievement of SDGs even more urgent.
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Julie Perkins of GWOPA: Why Water Utilities Should Share Their Change Journey

GWOPA’s Julie Perkins talks about the role of water operators and explains why everyone should submit their change journey to the Water ChangeMaker Awards, get recognition and share their solutions with the rest of the world. “The very courageous and visionary people and institutions, who have taken bold leadership to climate action should really be credited with this”.
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Towards the International Women's Day 2020

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year. The theme for International Women’s Day 2020 is, I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights. The theme is aligned with UN Women’s new multigenerational campaign, Generation Equality, which marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. On the eve of celebrating, we asked women in the GWP CACENA network to tell us their journeys to become a woman leader in the water sector and how we can collectively tackle the unfinished business of empowering all women and girls in the years to come. The personal stories of GWP women professionals are different, amazing and can inspire everybody.
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GWP-C World Water Day 2020 Photo Contest

The United Nations World Water Day (WWD) is observed annually on March 22nd. This year's theme is: Water and Climate Change. One of the ways the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) will be commemorating the Day, is through the launch of its WWD Photo Contest.