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World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019

The World Economic Forum (WEF) engages the world's foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. It takes place in Davos, Switzerland on 22-25 January.
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The extraordinary session of GWP-CAf Steering Committee.

Getting the GWP-CAf ready to successfully end the first period (2014-2016) of its regional strategy, also repositioning it to fit for the second half of the regional strategy and for 2030. Yes. But how? It is to answer this question that the GWP-CAf chair convened an extraordinary Steering Committee meeting. This meeting had as theme: “SDGs: Opportunities for changing and redefining the role and business model for GWP-CAf and the CWPs. It was held on June 30, 2016 in Douala, Cameroon.


The attendees to the meeting were the statutory steering committee members notably, 4 chairs of CWPs; Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo and Sao Tomé and Principe; the chair of the technical and Scientific Committee; the representatives of ECCAS and of basin organizations: CICOS; the delegates of Civil Society organizations (REFADD) and the players of water sector (SODECA); the GWP-O executive secretary as well as the GWP Southern Africa (GWPSA) executive secretary.


The overall objective of this extraordinary Steering Committee meeting was to reflect upon and propose a roadmap for the choice of the new host institution for GWP-CAf and to examine the different options of business model and governance for GWP Secretariat at country level in order to apply them in central Africa region.


Through different presentations on positioning the GWP network to fit for future 2030 and its implications as well as on the experience of governance and funding of GWP Southern Africa, the members of steering committee understood that the GWP network needed a double reforms

An internal change that will take into account the improvement of four domains (strengthening the country level; improving sustainability of financing; improving corporate knowledge management and learning and increasing Institutional performance) while external change will cope with a new global water institutional architecture.

The south-south initiative (GWPSA and GWP-CAf) based on experience sharing between regions permitted participants to go through the CWP governance, accreditation process and different managing options for CWP.

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GWP–Med at World Water Week 2019

"Millions of lives could be at risk if we don’t take the water crisis and global warming more seriously" was among the key closing messages of the 2019 World Water Week (25-30 August, Stockholm), organised by SIWI. Many of the Week’s 250+ sessions showcased water-related solutions to global challenges such as climate change and food scarcity. More than 4000 participants from 138 countries called upon governments, institutions and stakeholders including the private sector, to improve water management and practically implement available solutions to critical water challenges.
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Drawing Estuaries Management & Development

August 26-30, 2019, supported by the Global Water Partnership China (GWP China), the Pearl River Water Resources Commission (PRWRC) of the Ministry of Water Resources of China (MWR), on occasion of its 60th anniversary, invited stakeholders from member states under the East Asia Summit (EAS) to Guangzhou for sharing practices and innovations in the estuary management, coastal growth and regional collaborations.
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GWP-Med signs MoU with the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources & Fishery to advance ongoing & future collaboration

Building on their long-lasting cooperation, the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med) and the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources & Fishery (MARHP) signed a framework MoU to promote and facilitate the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) with a strengthened participation of water stakeholders in Tunisia, both at local level, national and transboundary level.
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The Gambia CWP, a good example of successful commitment

The Gambia Country Water Partnership is a young partnership established in December 2011 and accredited in 2016. Among other things funding remains a major constraint. Inadequate and slow responses to proposals have delayed the implementation of planned programmes and the establishment of a more formal secretariat. But the Partnership continues to make efforts to mobilize resources to enable it carry out its activities
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GWP CEE and IAWD sign a Memorandum of Understanding

On 15 February 2019, Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) and the International Association Of Water Supply Companies In The Danube River Catchment Area (IAWD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum of Understanding is an excellent opportunity to complement the expertise and partnerships that the two organizations have built in their networks.
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The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) – Global Water Partnership (GWP) PAN ASIA Consultation Meeting: Draft Principles on Addressing Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) During Covid-19 Pandemic

August 4 -- The High-Level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was established to assist the international community, governments, and stakeholders in mobilizing political will and resources. HELP is committed to addressing water-related disaster risk reduction including the present challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances in hand. The consultation meeting was held to discuss and gain insights on how to practically implement key suggestions proposed in the HELP Principle to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction under Covid-19 Pandemic. The consultation also aims exchanges among decision-makers, experts and practitioners in Asia region on how they can be better prepared for co-occurring disasters on water and health.