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Cooperation with the Shenzhen Municipal Youth League

On June 5, 2018, on the occasion of the World Environment Day, “the Forum on Youth Volunteering & Aids on River Prevention” was organised in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. This city locates within the Pearl River Delta, bordering Hong Kong to the south, spreading over nine municipalities (including Macau). It makes up part of the Pearl Delta River built-up area including 160+ rivers or channels with 447 million inhabitants reaching urbanisation up to 95%.
/ English

Act on the "One Belt One Road"

October 2013, President Jinping Xi raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (hereinafter referred to as the One Belt One Road), which have attracted close attention from all over the world.
/ English

“Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”

On 8 March 2019: International Women’s Day falls on 8 March with this year’s theme “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change” which focuses on innovative ways in which individuals can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of access to public services, social protection systems and sustainable infrastructure. Transformations, integrated approaches and new solutions are necessary particularly for advancing gender equality and empowering women on the journey to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In other words, “business as usual” will not be sufficient and should put forward innovative approaches that removes structural barriers and ensures no woman and no girl is left behind.
/ English

Flash floods displaced thousands of families in Sri Lanka

Tuesday, 5 June 2018 - Pre-monsoon conditions in Sri Lanka have caused storms (with rainfall peaking at 350 mm over 24 hours) since 19 May 2018 in the southwest parts of the country. Precipitation triggered a flood and landslide situation across the country, affecting thousands of lives and livelihoods, as well as causing damage to property.