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CWP Republic of Congo (CWP-Congo) Now Accredited

The Republic of Congo Country Water Partnership (CWP Congo) has been accredited by the Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership, Monika Weber-Fahr. The accreditation letter which was signed on June 12, 2020 makes CWP Congo the 4th CWP to be accredited within the GWP-CAf Network.
/ English

GWP-Chad partners validate its statutory documents

The constitution and by-laws of the Chad Country Water Partnership (GWP-Chad) were validated during the second general assembly of partners of the CWP, held in N’Djamena on October 11th, 2021.
/ English

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis to unlock investments in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save River basins

With technical support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), the governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have developed a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) River Basins. Upon finalization, the TDA is expected to inform the priorities for unlocking investments for reduction in environmental degradation, reduction in poverty, improved water quality, green and grey infrastructure development, flood control, and improved water governance of the BUPUSA Basins.
/ English

Botswana Water Partnerships accredited to GWPO

The Global Water Partnership Organization (GWPO) has accredited Botswana Water Partnership as the official country water partnership (CWP) responsible for leading and coordinating programmes and activities in the country.
/ English

Paved the Way for FINISH MONDIAL in Accelerating WASH Access through Micro-Finance in Indonesia

Jakarta 9 November 2023, located at the All Seasons Hotel, the Decision-Makers round table discussion was organized by GWP-SEA and Water Stewardship Indonesia, with support from the FINISH MONDIAL. The discussion aimed to share information on the successes and the challenges of safe WASH in Indonesia, notably where these efforts connect to micro-credit, shared ideas and solutions to successfully scale up WASH and WASH micro-credit and discussed the potential to build PPP collaboration to achieve safe WASH in Indonesia by 2030.