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/ Case studies / English

Jamaica: Experiences of the water utility reform (#415)

Despite high water availability in Jamaica, uneven distribution in both time and space creates local scarcity. Hence, it is problematic to distribute water adequately to all sectors, and to develop abstraction points for water treatment. To address the issues, action was taken and a Water Sector Reform was proposed, including a Water Sector Strategy and Action Plan.  From this experience, the lesson learned is the importance of coordinating activities and harmonising policies, legislation and institutions.

/ Case studies / English

Jamaica: Implementing environmental management systems for sustainable tourism (#153)

Tourism has placed great pressure on the natural environment of Jamaica. Action was taken through a USAID funded project that aimed to increase water use efficiency and improve environmental management. The key lessons are the value of demonstrating the benefits locally as well as to institutionalise the programme. 

/ Case studies / English

Transboundary: Establishing a transboundary organisation for IWRM in the Senegal River basin (#45)

The Senegal River has seen considerable migration of people in view of worsening drought and desertification. Furthermore, it is subjected to threats such as loss of arable land, and pollution from waste. To address the problems and to realise the potential of the basin, the Senegal River Development Organisation was established by three of the riparian states. This case gives important insights into how an institutional and legal infrastructure can be built in stages. 

/ Case studies / English

Zambia: Restoring the Kafue Flats (#255)

Kafue Flats are the vast open floodplain of the Kafue River, important for fishing, cattle grazing, sugar cane farming, and production of hydroelectric power. Increased human pressure is, however, threatening the ecosystem. Action was taken by WWF to create partnerships between different stakeholders. Furthermore, an IWRM plan has been initiated. This case illustrates how integrated planning can bring together stakeholders with diverse interests.  

/ Case studies / English

Tanzania: Critical analysis of river basin management in the Great Ruaha (#121)

The Great Ruaha River is important in terms of the utilisation of its water for agriculture, meeting the ecological needs, and the generation of hydroelectric power. During the early nineties, a series of zero flows in this previously perennial river alerted the authorities to hydrological and environmental change. A project was initiated to investigate the reasons and possible solutions. This case illustrates the critical role and benefits of long-term, large-scale, interdisciplinary research in approaching complex problems.

/ Case studies / English

Swaziland: Application of IWRM at a community level in KaLanga (#358)

Unclear ownership and no formal mechanism to manage the water source of the Mvutjini earth dam have caused unfavourable conditions for the local community. Action was taken to implement IWRM by the Swaziland Country Water Partnership, aiming to revitalise the dam and set up management rules by involving local stakeholders. This case study illustrates that collaboration and partnership between institutions involved in water resources management is vital for success.

/ Case studies / English

South Africa: Institutional roles in the management of the Komati River Basin (#300)

Poor domestic and international coordination between South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique has led to conflicts over the water utilisation of the Komati River basin. Despite these challenges, action has been taken to strengthen the institutional and legislative framework. These actions demonstrate that in the contexts involving transboundary water resources, a strong institutional framework can promote political and economic cooperation between riparian states.

/ Case studies / English

Malawi: Ensuring sustainability in IWRM processes (#374)

To implement policy change is a process that takes time. During this time, it is possible that the people involved change, resulting in a loss of knowledge. In Malawi, action was taken to combat institutional memory loss by involving as many high-level decision-makers as possible and by organising awareness raising workshops. This demonstrates that it is possible to avoid the loss of knowledge when key decision and policy-makers change. 

/ Case studies / English

Lesotho: Strengthening Capacity in Strategic Financial Planning for the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector

To meet demand, the water sector of Lesotho is undertaking institutional reforms and tackling financial and technical constraints. Action was initiated through a study conducted in four phases including data collection, development options, financing strategy and integration of the findings. The project was carried out in through capacity building activities in cooperation with several stakeholders. Predominantly, this case study illustrates the importance of combining data from several authorities into one consistent format. 

/ Case studies / English

Uganda: Output-based contracts in small towns water supply: challenges and opportunities (#409)

In Uganda, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) provide most drinking water, however, this is predominantly in urban areas. Attempting to improve water provision in rural areas, a programme supported by the World Bank was initiated. The main action taken was to commercialising service delivery through public-private partnerships. Despite being viewed as a great success, this case study highlights that circumstances can change and thus be different from those anticipated during the bidding stage.