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/ Case studies / English

Kenya: Water for the Maasai (#140)

The Maasai live in an area of Kenya that has no water in the rivers for half a year. To address the water scarcity, the Water for the Maasai project was initiated. In this project, the Maasai, the donor and the NGO work closely to cooperate in the key issues of education, training and long-term guidance. The key lesson is that it takes time to build trust among donors, NGOs and native populations. 

/ Case studies / English

Kenya: Community management in Lake Victoria Drainage Basin (#51)

The Lake Basin Development Authority was set up to manage the entire catchment area of all rivers draining into Lake Victoria. However, its performance was not to the expectation. A further, action was taken to decentralise management and priority was given to achieve access to basic water requirements for the poor, as well as quality of water and improving availability of water for livestock and irrigation. The key lesson learnt is the importance of a participatory approach.

/ Case studies / English

Ethiopia: Participatory IWRM planning: Lessons from Berki Catchment (#365)

Water is a source of conflict around the Berki River Basin in Ethiopia, predominantly a consequence of a lack of IWRM awareness and an institutional framework. Action was taken to implement an IWRM pilot project to account for different stakeholder interests, resulting in the development and adoption of the Berki Basin IWRM. Key lessons drawn from the project include the importance of capacity building, consensus building, and the importance of decentralised multi-stakeholder platforms for conflict management. 

/ Case studies / English

Transboundary: Reversal of land and water degradation in Lake Chad (#257)

Lake Chad is an important resource, both in terms of economic development and biodiversity. However, unsustainable management of natural resources, population increase and desertification pose severe challenges. Action has been taken by the WWF and its partners to promote sustainable management. This case illustrates that independent organisations, such as WWF, can play a unique role as a catalyst and facilitator for change. 

/ Case studies / English

Bulgaria: Constructed Wetlands; Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Rural and Peri-Urban Communities (#431)

Rural and peri-urban areas are often neglected when making infrastructure investments. However, these areas could gain from treatment of domestic wastewater through the construction of wetlands. In Bulgaria, the problem of wastewater treatment was addressed through the construction of a wetland for treating wastewater from domestic sources. The lesson learnt is the importance of community initiatives.  

/ Case studies / English

Kazakhstan: Analysis of Legal Reform for the Management and Use of Water Resources (#433)

Water management in Kazakhstan was previously characterised by a command and control approach. The Water Code was adopted in 2003 as an answer to these problems. Furthermore, a project was launched to evaluate the current state of the legal framework for IWRM and to identify the potential for improvements and propose amendments to the Water Code. It is evident that IWRM is a complex approach and any amendments need to be done holistically. 

/ English

GWP Supports Wind Energy Projects in India

As part of GWP’s continuous efforts to minimise the impacts and the carbon footprint of GWPO, the organisation has decided to support wind energy projects in India.

/ English

Stockholm Junior Water Prize in Hungary

National winner team from Fényi Gyula Jesuit Secondary Grammar School in Miskolc won national final held on 1 June 2013 at the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture in Budapest.