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/ English

Flowing Towards Harmony: Using Transboundary Water Cooperation for Peace in Southern Africa

Growing populations and climatic impacts are placing unprecedented pressure on water resources. This is true of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region which comprises 16 Member States, whose population in 2018, was estimated to be at 345.2 million, a rise from 336.9 million as of 2017. Rivers play a pivotal role in the region's socio-economic development, as evidenced by its reliance on these waterways. Southern Africa boasts of 15 major transboundary river basins, shared among neighbouring countries, with 13 basins entirely within the region's borders. However, the equitable distribution of water resources remains a challenge, exacerbated by climatic factors influencing rainfall patterns and the geographical distribution of river basins. While these rivers can spark conflicts, they also serve as conduits for peace and cooperation. Therefore, prioritizing transboundary water cooperation is not merely about economic prosperity but also essential for nurturing stability and harmony throughout the region.
/ English

GWP-CAf holds its 14th Steering Committee Meeting

Global Water Partnership, Central Africa (GWP-CAf) held its 14th Steering Committee (SC) meeting virtually on November 12 - 13, 2020. The special steering committee meeting was attended by twelve of the fourteen GWP-CAf SC members and the entire GWP-CAf secretariat.
/ English

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ English

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ English

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.