Our results

To realise the vision of a water secure world, GWP supports countries to advance the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development. 

This work is guided by the principles of integrated water resources management and is fully aligned with measuring progress towards SDG 6.5.1.

What we measure

GWP works towards its Strategy mission and vision according to a chain of results, to track our output, outcome and impact-level results.


GWP's activities and outputs are designed to influence key stakeholders who have a mandate for water governance and are instrumental in the development of key water governance outcomes


The implementation of these water governance outcomes leads to impact in terms of socioeconomic and environmental benefits among the target populations through increased investment in appropriate infrastructure, empowerment of vulnerable groups, and more sustainable use of resources.

How we measure

GWP has in place a comprehensive M&E system that consists of a hybrid of two methodologies; outcome mapping and traditional Results-based Management.


This combined approach enables the organisation to continue to analyse progress based on observed changes in the behaviour of boundary actors and water governance mechanisms, while at the same time being in a position to set quantified targets against a set of common indicators.

GWP's Theory of Change and Results Chain