Water Intelligence

We strengthen water management and governance processes by ensuring our 2800+ registered partners are networked and share data and knowledge.

Sound water governance is a cornerstone of any sustainable form of economic development. In the pursuit of excellence in good governance and integrated water resources management we work with our network and regional experts to identify good practices in water management, as well as new technologies and efficiencies. We then share this water intelligence across our network to support water alignment at national, regional and global levels.   

We use our unique global network of water actors to harvest knowledge on the state of water governance and integrated water resources management across the world.

IWRM Status 

IWRM Action Plan Searcher

Search by GWP region, and you find the IWRM Action plans, which are searchable by action, IWRM dimension, SDG goal.

IWRM Toolbox

The GWP Toolbox IWRM Action Hub is the leading knowledge sharing platform on IWRM. It supports and connects water professionals in designing and implementing IWRM action towards a water secure world.

 IWRM Tools

The 80+ tools are organised based on the four IWRM components:

IWRM Case Studies

Discover what IWRM means in practice with empirical case studies from all around the world. 

IWRM Survey

Identify the main water governance challenges in your country of choice and get tailored tools based on the identified problems.

We share the best and brightest ideas on water innovation from the ground up.

Water ChangeMaker Awards

We launched the Water ChangeMaker Awards in 2020, to make visible the teams and organizations who shape water decisions that build climate resilience. When submissions closed in June 2020, over 350 change journeys had been submitted to the Water ChangeMaker Awards.

Youth for Water and Climate 

Youth for Water and Climate is a place to help turn youth ideas into reality. We provide tools to improve projects and help youth leaders match and connect their initiatives with partners and resources.

Explore quality assured youth Projects – Youth for Water and Climate (youthwaterclimate.org), searchable by location and the four topics: Sharing Water, Water & Health, Water & Agriculture, and Water-related Risks.