A dynamic start for the Pinios demonstration kick-off meeting of the new Horizon SpongeWorks Project, in which GWP-Med is responsible for the communication, dissemination and exploitation Work Package, full of cutting-edge research and on-site validation.
The importance of collaboration to tackle the impacts of climate change as well as the role of technology in optimising the use of natural resources was acknowledged by all during the 1st Multistakeholder Meeting of the ASSICI-GEM project implemented in the Governorate of Bizerte, by the Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean in partnership with local and national authorities.
The States and regional organisations of West Africa and the Sahel region met virtually on 5 December 2024 to discuss the sustainable management of water resources in West Africa, with a particular focus on the regional initiative for the development, resilience and valorisation of water for West Africa (DREVE) and its various pillars. Participants discussed the challenges and opportunities related to climate risk management, project financing, capacity building and the preservation of the Fouta Djallon Mountains.
In recognition of Resilience Day at UNCCD COP 16 in Riyadh, UNCCD, GWP and International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA) are launching a global photo competition to highlight the critical issue of drought resilience and its connection to water scarcity and land degradation.
Join us for a transformative training designed to foster partnerships and build your expertise in transboundary water law. The 2024 Pan Africa Water Governance and International Water Law (IWL) Training which will be held on 9-12 December 2024 in Entebbe, Uganda in a hybrid format will help participants gain skills and knowledge needed to develop effective agreements and promote stronger cooperation over shared water resources across Africa.
The GWP-WA Steering Committee met for its second session of 2024 and reviewed progress on the year's work plan, the work plan and budget for 2025, while discussing the financial and institutional challenges facing the GWP network.
Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med), legally and lawfully represented by the non-profit society MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – MIO ECSDE announces the present call for the provision of Audit Services as follows:
The Alter Aqua project in Malta, implemented by GWP-Med in collaboration with Malta's Energy & Water Agency and funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation recently inaugurated its latest phase of works: 3 new traditional reservoirs restored, and a new digital 'Reservoir Trail' created, taking visitors on a self-guided tour across Malta's historical cisterns.