This year, GWP is supporting 60+ countries to measure the degree of implementation of IWRM, encapsulated in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.1. The consultations are carried out under the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, implemented with the UN Environment Programme's guidance and coordinated by GWP in collaboration with UNEP-DHI and Cap-Net-UNDP. Given the current health pandemic, most of the consultations have taken place either entirely or partially online, allowing a large number of stakeholders to contribute to defining the current status of IWRM in their country.
In July, GWP Central America supported the Ministries of Environment – the SDG 6.5.1 focal points - of El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama, in two-day virtual events with the participation of approximately 65 actors from different sectors. The inauguration of the events in Panama and El Salvador were transmitted live and can be viewed in the GWP Central America’s Facebook page.
The data collected during the consultations will serve to complete the survey instrument that will be delivered to UNEP to establish the 2020 global position on SDG 6.5.1., as well as to prioritise actions at the country level to accelerate implementation of IWRM.
Keeping track of consultations
The status of countries across the globe that are being supported in 2020 can be viewed through an interactive map (use the left side menu to see where the different stages are at), which is continuously updated to reflect the progress.
In August, more than ten countries are scheduled to hold consultations, including: Paraguay, Indonesia, Cambodia, Guatemala, Malaysia, Lesotho, Zambia, Pakistan, Philippines and Malawi.
A selection of news on the consultations from the GWP regions:
GWP China SDG 6.5.1 Consultation 2.0
The Republic of Congo holds Stakeholder Consultation to Validate the National Report on SDG 6.5.1
SDG 6.5.1 monitoring activity in West Africa
Georgia and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) under the 6.5.1 Indicator
First SDG 6.5.1 Consultation in Central America
Grenada is the Second Country to Hold a Virtual Stakeholder Consultation to Report on SDG 6.5.1