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/ Caribbean

GWP-C Led Initiative to Develop Investment Portfolio for Financing Climate Change Projects in the Dominican Republic is Underway

Global Water Partnership Caribbean (GWP-C) in coordination with the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism of the Dominican Republic (CNCCMDL) and funded by the NDC Partnership, are developing a portfolio of bankable investments to finance climate change projects in the Dominican Republic (DR). The consultancy is being carried out by the company Viridia Projects.
/ Caribbean

It’s Official – Belize is Now a Partner Country under GWP-C

For the first time since the establishment of the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) in 2004, Belize has now become an official Partner country of the GWP-C. It is well-known that Belize is a country based in Central America but has maintained strong ties to the Caribbean, as part of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Mainly due to the country’s geographical location, it fell under the GWP Central America Partnership.
/ Global

Boosting IWRM Progress through Learning

On 27 April, GWP organised a learning exchange on the topic, “IWRM Action Planning to Accelerate Progress on SDG 6”. The event had over 150 participants who shared their experiences on how to accelerate Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to contribute to the achievement of the water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
/ Central America, Global

Central American Awareness Campaign to Rescue Lempa River

GWP El Salvador, the National Development Foundation (FUNDE), the Interinstitutional Network for Territorial Development, Let’s Do It El Salvador and 22 civil society organisations have formed the Trinational Network for the Rescue of the Lempa River. #RescatemosElLempa is a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of one of the main rivers in Central America.
/ West Africa

Invitations to tender for the recruitment of consultants for studies in and Central West Africa

GWP-WA signed on February 19, 2021 with the Regional Office of the IUCN Program for Central and West Africa (IUCN-PACO) an agreement to support the implementation in 2021 of the project titled "Regional Partnership on Water and Environment in Central and West Africa (PREE)", with the financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
/ West Africa

NBA for a functional platform to manage the W transboundary biosphere reserve

The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) organized from 13 to 15 April 2021 a regional workshop to set up a functional platform for the W transboundary biosphere reserve as part of its support to promote and implement an ecosystem-based approach and IWRM practices through better coordination of interventions related to the complex between the three riparian countries, Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. The event was held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

CEE countries need better water policies (interview)

CEENERGYNEWS spoke with Konstantin Ivanov, Regional Coordinator at the Global Water Partnerships Central and Eastern Europe about the importance of investing in water that supports sustainable development, boost the economy and create new jobs and opportunities.

Adressing formal and informal barriers: key to achieving gender equality in Cameroon's Water and Climate Sector

Following a study conducted by GWP-Cameroon within the context of the AIP Water Climate Development-Gender Program (WACDEP-G) to identify the formal and informal barriers to gender equality in the planning and implementation of development projects in the country’s water and climate sector, a stakeholder dialogue was held in Douala from April 29th – 30th to consolidate and enrich the results and recommendations of the study.