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CLOSED:Call for offers for Preparation and implementation of 2 online Gender Capacities Development Workshops in the Drina and Drin basins

8/2021/ADA Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med), legally and lawfully represented by the non-profit society MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – MIO ECSDE announces the present call for offers for the preparation and implementation of 2 online Gender Capacities Development Workshops in the Drina and Drin basins.
/ Global

New Paper Initiates Cross-Sector Dialogue on Water Storage

GWP and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) launched a new Perspectives Paper, “Storing Water: A new integrated approach for resilient development." The launch took place in a webinar on 24 February, gathering about 300 people for what is to be the start of a broad cross-sector dialogue on water storage.
/ Mediterranean

2nd GCF MED Training: Special Focus on Gender

Responding to the demand expressed by Mediterranean countries to accelerate access to GCF opportunities for adaptation projects, the 2nd Technical Workshop on GCF Project Preparation for Transformational Cli-mate Resilience Water Projects in the Mediterranean, with emphasis on Gender objectives and require-ments, was organised online, on Thursday, 11 February 2021, 09:30-12:30 CET.
/ Caribbean

FAO Vacancy: Land Bank Consultant in Grenada

The Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean (SLC) is responsible for developing, promoting, overseeing and implementing agreed strategies for addressing sub-regional food, agriculture and rural development priorities. It develops and maintains relations with sub-region wide institutions including Regional Economic Integration Organizations (REIOs). The Sub-Regional Office is a subsidiary of the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO’s) Regional Office for the Latin America and the Caribbean (RLC).